
Installation Instructions

We offer professional installation but many people like to install their own applications or are behind a firewall that does not allow external access. Follow the instructions below and you should not have any trouble. If you do run into difficulty do not hesitate to ask for assistance. 

Stand Alone Installation

See below if you are upgrading from previous versions of csBanner.

Quick Install
This is assuming you are installing all of the script files and subdirectories in a single directory outside your cgi-bin directory. If you can only run scripts from your cgi-bin directory then follow the cgi-bin installation instructions below.

1. Unzip the file on your local hard drive.
2. Upload the cgi-script directory and its entire contents (and directory structure) to the root directory of your website.
3. CHMOD the csBanner.cgi file to 755
4. Open csBanner.cgi from your webbrowser to go into auto-setup mode.
(example: http://www.yourdomain.com/cgi-script/csBanner/csBanner.cgi)
5. Change the username and password if desired.
6. Click save. If you keep returning to the auto-setup screen, the chmod the csBanner, banner, and data subdirectories to 777 and then repeat from step 4.
7. That's it.

To enter the csBanner management screen, you would go to 
(modified appropriately for where you have it installed)
and then use your username and password to enter.

Detailed Installation Instructions

1. Unzip the file and transfer to your server with the following directory structure:

/cgi-script <-- cgiscript.net script directory
/cgi-script/csBanner <-- csBanner directory

/cgi-script/csBanner/banners <-- directory to store the banners

/cgi-script/csBanner/data <-- directory to store the banners

csBanner.cgi should be located at
[root url]/cgi-script/csBanner/csBanner.cgi
where [root url]
is the URL to your website. Example:

2. Chmod csBanner.cgi to executable (chmod 755). Ask your server administrator for assistance if required.

3. If your Perl executable is not located at /usr/bin/perl, edit the first line of csBanner.cgi to reflect the true location.

4. Run csBanner.cgi from your webrowser.

Example: http://www.mycompany.com/cgi-script/csBanner/csBanner.cgi

When the script is run for the first time, it goes into setup mode. A setup screen will appear where you can verify and modify the setup variables. Most of the time, there will be no need to modify any of these variables except the username and password. Those control access to the control panel and you can change then to anything you desire.

When you click the save button on the installation screen, it should automatically create a file called setup.cgi which will look something like:


Note: Installations on unix servers will have the password encrypted

Note: If you get an error saying permission denied when you save the configuration screen, then you need to chmod the csBanner directory, the banners subdirectory and the data subdirectory to 777.

Hint: Deleting the setup.cgi file will trigger the script to go back into setup mode. This is also how you can reset the password in case you forget it.

Installing the script in your cgi-bin directory
If you can only run scripts from your cgi-bin directory then you will need to store the banners subdirectory somewhere outside the cgi-bin directory. This is due to the fact that cgi-bin directories won't allow you to view normal files like images. The html templates stay in the cgi-bin directory because they are outputted by the script are not meant to be directly accessible from your webbrowser. The only except is the client login page, login.htm. That page can be moved anywhere as long as the form action points to the csBanner installation.

1. Unzip the file on your local harddrive.
2. Upload the csBanner directory and the data subdirectory to your cgi-bin directory.
3. CHMOD the csBanner.cgi file to 755. You should end up with a structure like:

/cgi-bin/csBanner <-- csBanner directory
/cgi-bin/csBanner/data <-- directory to store the banners

4. Create a directory outside your cgi-bin directory called cgi-script. This would normally be in the same place where your index.htm file is locate. Create a csBanner subdirectory and inside that a banners directory. The structure would look something like:

/cgi-script/csBanner/banners <-- directory to store the banners

5. Open csBanner.cgi from your webbrowser to go into auto-setup mode.
(example: http://www.yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/csBanner/csBanner.cgi)
6. Change the bannerurl and bannerpath variables to point to the banner directory you created outside your cgi-bin directory.
Change the username and password if desired.
8. Click save. If you keep returning to the auto-setup screen, the chmod the csBanner directory and banner subdirectory to 777 and then repeat from step 4.
9. That's it.


If you have any problems or questions with the installation, don't hesitate to email support@cgiscript.net. We also offer installation services.


Module Installation Instructions
A new and exciting technology that CGIScript has developed is the ability to use modules within our csPublisher program. You must have csPublisher in order to use csBanner as a module. Also, in order to use modules you might need to upgrade your version of csPublisher. You can always email contact@cgiscript.net to get the latest version of csPublisher. If you already own the script, updates and replacement copies are free.

With your FTP program, browse to the csPublisher directory. Inside the csPublisher you will see a directory called 'mod'. If you don't see that directory then that means you need to upgrade csPublisher. Upload the csBanner directory from the zip file to the mod directory. If csPublisher was installed in your cgi-bin directory, then you'll need to put the banners directory for csBanner outside your cgi-bin directory.. Otherwise you can keep it with the other files so you will end up with the following structure:
CHMOD csBanner.cgi to 755 and open it with your web browser.. For example, the URL might be: http://www.yourdomain.com/cgi-script/csPublisher/mod/csBanner/csBanner.cgi
Verify the variables, change the username and password variables to the same username and password you have configured for csPublisher. If you get a permission denied error, you will need to CHMOD the csBanner directory to 777, along with the data subdirectory. Then go back to the setup screen and you should be able to save it now.

If csBanner is installed successfully, you will be able to enter csPublisher, go to the html editor and in the misc. functions dropdown you should see 2 new items to select. Insert Banner and Manage Banners. Select the Manage Banners function to enter csBanner management. You will also see a link to manage csBanner at the bottom of the main management screen for csPublisher.


Upgrade Instructions

Install the new version of csBanner as described above. You can either install it in a new directory or overwrite the old files. The preferred method would be to install it in a different directory like csBanner2 instead of csBanner. If you are overwriting the files, then you will also need to delete the old setup.cgi file for the new version to go into the auto-setup mode.

Open import.cgi (included in the zip file) with a text editor and modify the following variables:
$oldbannerpath = '....';
$oldbannerurl = '....';

These variables should point to the old csBanner directory path and old csBanner directory URL. This would be the directory that contained the 'banners' subdirectory in case you had the directories split up on your previous install. Usually, it would be the same as the $cgipath and $cgiurl variables or $htmlpath and $htmlurl variables if they exist from the old version. 

Upload import.cgi to the same directory where the new version of csBanner.cgi is located and chmod it to 755. Open it up with your webbrowser. For example,

You will see a series of messages. If all goes well, when you log into the new version of csBanner you will see all your old groups and banners imported.

The final phase of upgrading is to go into the link wizard and replace the old display code currently on your site with the display code from the new version. The code between the old version and new version are different so you will need to redo the display code or your banners will not display on your pages.


If you experience any problems or questions, please feel free to email contact@cgiscript.net