psPopper Installation Instructions

Included in the zip file is a setup.php.example file for your convenience, however, the auto installation portion of the script should configure the setup.php file for you automatically. 

Quick and Easy Installation Instructions:

NOTE: If you are installing the script in your cgi-bin directory.. see the cgi-bin instructions below.

1. Unzip the file on your computer.

2. Upload the cgi-script directory and its entire contents to a directory on your server. This should be the same place where your index.htm file resides. You should end up with the following directory structure:

3. Open up the psPopper.php file from your web browser. For example, open up your webbrowser and in the location field type: .You should get the auto setup screen. Enter a username and password and hit save. The script should now be configured and you will get the login screen to enter your username and password. If you get an error message saying it can't save the setup.php file.. see PERMISSIONS section below.

4. Once configured, to enter csPopper, open psPopper.php from your webbrowser. For example, You should get a login screen to enter the username and password you configured during setup.

CGI-BIN installation instructions.

1. Unzip the file on your computer

2. On your server, create a directory in your cgi-bin directory called psPopper. Upload all the files in the psPopper directory from the the zip file to this directory. Also, upload the data directory. You should end up with:

3. On your server, create a directory outside your cgi-bin directory called cgi-script. Inside that directory, create another directory called psPopper. The cgi-script directory should be in the same directory where your index.htm page resides. You should end up with:

Upload the files from the images directory in the zip file to the cgi-script/psPopper/images directory.

4. Open up the psPopper.php file from your web browser. For example, open up your webbrowser and in the location field type: . You should get the auto setup screen. Enter a username and password and hit save. The script should now be configured and you will get the login screen to enter your username and password. If you get an error message saying it can't save the setup.php file.. see PERMISSIONS section below.

Installing psPopper as a module for csPublisher.

1. Inside the csPublisher directory there will be a directory called 'mod' (if you don't have this directory, email us for the latest version of csPublisher). You need to install psPopper in that directory for csPublisher to pick it up as a module. When uploaded, it should be located at[urltopublisherdir]/mod/psPopper/psPopper.php
where [urltopublisherdir] is the where you have csPublisher installed on your server. Example:

2. Once uploaded to that directory follow either the regular installation instructions or the cgi-bin instructions depending on whether or not csPublisher is installed in your cgi-bin directory.

3. To use the module, you log into csPublisher and you will see an additional row called 'Module Management' on the bottom of your file list. Clicking on the psPopper link will allow you to add and configure popups to any pages on your website.


If your webserver doesn't have write access to your files by default you will get an error message when you try to save the setup.php file. If you are on a windows based webserver, you will need to contact your hosting service to configure your directories so the webserver has write access to them. If you are on a unix based server, including FreeBSD or Linux, you will need to chmod the psPopper and data directories to 777. If you installed the script in your cgi-bin directory you will have 2 psPopper directories.. one inside your cgi-bin directory and one outside your cgi-bin directory.. only the one inside your cgi-bin directory needs to be chmodded to 777.

In addition, any files and/or directories you want to manage with psPopper you will also need to chmod to 777 (directories) or 666(files) so the webserver will have write access to them.

In the psPopper.php file there are a couple of options you can set that aren't available in the normal configuration screens. They are:

$ext = Array('htm','html');

They are listed towards the top of psPopper.php is a section called 'Options'. $multidedup say whether or not to dedup the URLs for the multiple popup window selections. If set to '0' it doesn't dedup those URLs. If set it '1', it will. The $ext variable controls what file extensions are shown when you go to populate. By default, its set up to only show htm and html pages.. however, you may want to include shtml or maybe php pages. It just depends on your needs. Most users will not need to change these variables.


Images Don't Appear
This is the classic case where the entire script has been installed, including the images, in the cgi-bin directory. On unix based servers, the cgi-bin directory is usually configured to disallow the viewing of normal files like html files or images in them. In most cases, it is required to split the directories up between cgi files and non-cgi files. If this is the case, install the script using the above cgi-bin installation instructions.

Can't locate setup.php or t_setup.htm
This usually happens when the current directory isn't in the server's search path. To fix the problem, open psPopper.php and edit the variable:
$basepath = './';
to be the full path to the directory where psPopper is installed. On windows servers, don't forget to convert the normal backslash \ to a forward slash / in the path. For example:
$basepath = 'd:/inetpub/wwwroot/cgi-script/csPublisher';

Please refer to the instructions.htm file for detailed instructions.

For tech support or questions, please email